Being an entrepreneur is like riding a roller coaster; every stage in your business’ development is a series of ups and downs. Clients often ask me how they can stay positive when things get difficult. My best answer is to make you a priority. You have the ability to weather any storm, no matter how difficult. In order to come out on top, consider these five things:


  1. Have a reliable support group with whom you have shared your hopes and dreams. Your support group (family, friends, members of a religious congregation, a professional group) can act as a sounding board through good times and bad.
  2. Focus on a greater objective outside your business. Write down your goals – family, friends, charity, travel – whatever is important to you and share them with others!
  3. Establish a schedule, daily and long-term, and know how your goals fit within this framework. Designate “down time” to allow yourself to recharge daily. This will help you think more clearly and focus on solving difficult problems.
  4. Have hobbies and interest outside your business.
  5. Make yourself a priority – stay healthy, both physically and mentally.


And, if you need help staying focused on or retooling your existing business plan, I am here to help guide businesses out of challenging situations that will likely occur during owning a business.


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