“Say what you mean and mean what you say.”
Who hasn’t heard this idiom? We are taught it from childhood. Unfortunately, though, we are significantly less likely to be taught how to say what we mean, especially when what we need to communicate is less than positive. Thankfully, clear communication is a skill. And like any skill, it can be practiced and mastered.
I get it: communication can be a huge challenge. Our society does not always celebrate honest communication. And many leaders struggle with being direct and candid – conflict is hard to face.
So what is the best strategy to effectively communicate what is on your mind? Start early and start with objectives. Encourage clarifying questions from your team, and don’t be afraid to ask questions of your own. When you establish an early understanding on both sides, each following step will be easier for all parties involved. Your team, armed with knowledge, will be able to take more responsibility over their duties and have significantly more autonomy. This is a vital part of smart delegation, too.
Your team needs to be able to trust your “yes” and your “no.” Don’t leave them trying to parse out the secret code of whether or not you mean what you say. Trust and respect go both ways. Clear expectations save them an incredible amount of stress and frustration. Research shows that reduced stress and increased autonomy means more innovation, less turnover, better overall performance, and higher satisfaction. There are only positives when you hone your communication skills.
Reach out for assistance nailing down the steps toward clearer communication and expectation-setting. I look forward to hearing from you.