Calamity and uncertainty test a leader’s mettle. If you have successfully led your team through the tumult of the past 20 months, it is a testament to your grit and capabilities. However, this is not the time to rest on your laurels; the world is in flux and leaders have to build on that excellent foundation. You may have one or all these five traits already but you will need to nurture them to remain at the top.

  1. Developing psychological safety. Psychological safety at work is the ability for an employee to express their opinions at work without the prospect of being shunned, humiliated, or penalized for it personally or in their careers. A leader who builds a psychologically safe workplace ensures that they are not surrounded by yes-people. They also foster an environment where unpopular ideas are still given a platform so that they may be addressed and discussed respectfully. Remember, the best ideas are not always the most popular ones. Essentially, psychological safety boils down to human decency, and that is always a worthwhile purpose.
  2. Building accountability. Good leaders are accountable by example, accepting accolades when earned and shouldering responsibility when deserved. Accountability should transcend the “it’s my fault” line and manifest itself as accountable action. Be careful to maintain a sense of balance in this. Incessant self-flagellation is the other extreme, and just as unpalatable to your team. Remember that building accountability is a company-wide objective. Responsible team members who are aware of the weight of expectations will rise to the occasion, just like you.
  3. Unlocking meaning. Meaning and purpose give an appealing luster to even the most difficult and distasteful tasks. It is when individuals are inspired by a purpose greater than themselves that they produce their best results. As a leader, you have eyes on you all the time. Leadership driven by selfless meaning is evident to all who observe it. More than that, it is infectious. Unlock the meaning behind your role, and use that insight to motivate the people around you.
  4. Recognizing impact. Recognizing your impact on the world is closely tied to unlocking the meaning behind your efforts. It is not just gratifying to see the positive effects of your work on the people and the things that you care about; it is motivation to persist and seek even higher goals. Each of us is drawn to impactful people. Your team will recognize how their efforts helped achieve the impact you cause. It will inspire them to keep fighting alongside you.
  5. Focusing on continuous learning. Every minute of every day abounds with opportunities to learn, if we seize them. Good leaders recognize that what they do not know has the potential to overwhelm all that they do. There is only one way to stave off that deluge and it is in continuous learning. One of the great responsibilities of leadership is to motivate your team to learn with you. Ask questions to stimulate their curiosity, give them the means to have that inquisitiveness sated, and be a part of the learning process with them.

Would you like more suggestions on how to move forward? Please contact me today.