Gratitude is powerful. It at once makes us soar and also feel humbled. Many of our most treasured memories from work involve the gratitude that was expressed to us by the people with whom we work. It does not matter whether you want to acknowledge small achievements or big ones, a job well done, or someone going the extra mile – here are four ways that you can show gratitude in the workplace.

Say it Loud

Have you ever publicly thanked Linda from accounts who brings in the cookies every Friday? Or the maintenance staff that literally keeps the lights and air-conditioning running when you are working late? The usual gratitude awards such as Employee of the Month are doubtlessly merit-worthy, but so many other team members’ efforts fall between the cracks. Make an effort to seek out the underappreciated and overlooked before the year is out.

Give Back

It is the season to be jolly and to give and there are few things that inspire feelings of goodness and wellness than knowing that you have helped someone in need. Give back together with your team, and you compound that feeling of goodwill with the reinforcement of your shared values. It is also a great opportunity to get their families involved – most people would love the idea of doing good not just with their colleagues but also with family members. Some good examples would be to volunteer at an aged care home, do a charity drive, or simply donate to the causes of your choice together.

Eat Together

The company that eats together stays together, right? There is so much joy to be had from gathering around a meal table, which is possibly a remnant of how our ancestors’ communities gathered around fires to feast for millennia. If you do go down this path, make sure that you make the exercise worth it. There is no point in doing a partial job, which leaves the attendees talking about its shortcomings later. A good idea is to let the team decide on a caterer of their choice. Stay away from potlucks, which requires employees to cook themselves, though!

A Raise

Yes, there are a million things that you can do and buy to express your gratitude, but most employees would love some extra cash more than anything else. A bonus or raise is especially welcome in the holiday season as families contend with higher prices and record inflation. A long-term approach to this could involve upskilling employees through courses throughout the year. They gain the skills and experience while the company benefits from their newfound knowledge and abilities.

Are you looking for more ways to show your appreciation to you employees? Read my recent article Employee Appreciation in the Covid-19 Business Environment.