A company’s culture can truly make or break the success of a company. When the turnover rate is high, it becomes challenging for a company to gain traction and build momentum over time. It’s also hard to forecast vision, clearly see the goals and achieve measurable success because people are constantly coming and going.

In order to alleviate this issue, it’s wise to take a look at why employees are coming and going. Examine the root of the dissatisfaction and work to change that and company culture. There are a few ways to create a healthy, dynamic, and fun company culture and they all involve the employees.

  1. Ownership

Think back to elementary school. Back in 2nd and 3rd grade, the kids were so excited to be responsible for something in the classroom. Whether it involved cleaning the chalkboard and erasers, handing out worksheets or being the line leader, every child wanted a responsibility they could take ownership of. Why? It helped them feel like they were needed, wanted and valued. They may not have been able to articulate that at the time, but that’s the explanation at the core. Those desires don’t go away as a person ages. In fact, they just become more complex. Employees want to experience a sense of ownership over their projects. It allows them to feel a sense of independence and reaffirms that they provide value to a company.

  1. Non-Work Activities

Whether it’s a company picnic, game night or happy hour, make sure employees can get together on a regular schedule. Host one major event each month and encourage your employees to enjoy smaller get-togethers more frequently. As camaraderie is fostered and supported, there will be many more opportunities to connect.

  1. In-House Dining

Some companies pick a specific day when they come together. It’s not uncommon for Fridays to be the main day when employees dress down and enjoy lunch together. Consider catering lunch on Fridays as it gives employees an incentive to eat together, enjoy each others company and consume a free meal. Packing lunch is one less thing employees will have to worry about for one day and that gesture usually goes a long way. During the lunch period, take the edge of and have fun. Whether it’s an office icebreaker, regular chitchat or even a recap of a favorite TV show everyone enjoys in the office, try to infuse some light-hearted fun in.

  1. Celebration & Inclusion

When people realize that their work is making a positive impact on the world, this encourages them to continue doing it. Make an effort to take note of when employees go above and beyond with their work. Be intentional about thanking and appreciating them. You can choose to celebrate people privately and publicly. For simple acts that you notice, a hand-written note or a thank you email can go far. When the job well done results in more money for the company, respond with a monetary acknowledgement like a raise, bonus or improvement in the benefits package. While employees should do their job with excellent whether they receive a raise or not, it helps when they know their work is appreciated and incentivized. Positive affirmations, acknowledgements and tangible gifts are always appreciated and should be showered on a team that goes excellent work. When your team feels valued, it will show in the quality of work in ways you may never fathom.

Need more ideas to improve your company culture? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at DeSantis Trusted Advisors.