Take a close look at countless entrepreneurs and many of the successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies today. Most of them have one thing in common and consider it their superpower. They wake up early.Getting an early start on the day helps with productivity in a very direct way. Using those three extra hours of quiet time will allow you to gain control of the day and start on offense. If you’re constantly playing catch-up to the things that get thrown at you throughout the day and you don’t wake up early, you won’t be as effective. If the thought of waking up early makes your stomach queasy, consider implementing these steps to help you gain the morning hours back.

Getting an early start on the day helps with productivity in a very direct way. Using those three extra hours of quiet time will allow you to gain control of the day and start on offense. If you’re constantly playing catch-up to the things that get thrown at you throughout the day and you don’t wake up early, you won’t be as effective. If the thought of waking up early makes your stomach queasy, consider implementing these steps to help you gain the morning hours back.

  1. Set your alarm clock.

It might sound like the obvious thing to do but think about the many times you’ve meant to set an alarm and simply forgot. Before your head hits the pillows, set your alarm. Whether you set the alarm using your phone or physical clock, don’t forget this major task. If you miss it, it’ll throw off your entire effort to wake up early and start the day right.

  1. Put your feet on the floor.

As soon as you hit the alarm, avoid sleeping in for five or ten more minutes. Those extra minutes are usually not enough to suffice and you’ll waste more time. One trick is to set the alarm clock on the other side of the room. When you hear the loud sound, you’ll have no choice but to get up and turn it off. If you’re using your phone as an alarm clock, you might want to put it on the loud setting, add the vibration setting and put it in a glass cup. The sounds of the alarm and the phone vibrating in the glass cup will really get you out of bed in the morning.

  1. Do the next indicated thing.

Actress Tracee Ellis Ross once spoke about how she manages her time when she’s not feeling her best or most alert. When she’s feeling this way, she reminds her brain to do the next indicated thing. For example, if it’s early in the morning, go brush your teeth and wash your face. Take a shower. Sit down at your desk to start working. As you get into the natural habit of doing the mundane tasks on your to-do list, you’re more likely to keep dredging and do the harder things.

  1. Plan the night before.

After you’ve finished a long day, you have a pretty good idea of what you need to do for the next day. If you didn’t finish accomplishing certain tasks during that day, they should get pushed to the next. Plan out all the things you need to do so that you can go to bed with a clear head. You won’t stay awake all night mulling over tasks you still need to complete. A good night’s rest is essential to waking up early in the morning.

Need more ideas on how to plan for the workday the night before? Read my blog post “Plan Your Day the Night Before” for inspiration.