In a recent article, Wharton professor Adam Grant states that cognitive ability (not emotional intelligence) leads to great business leaders. According to various studies, results show that cognitive ability was five times as powerful as emotional intelligence.

Cognitive ability is comprised of a person’s brain-based skills and focuses on how they carry out certain tasks because of those skills. It also focuses on whether or not you can actually do the task. While doing the task is one thing, emotional intelligence focuses on how the other factors surrounding the completion of the task such as time frame, necessary tools, and support needed to develop the skill of time management. Doing the task is not an isolated incident and emotional IQ addresses those other factors.

Grant’s research shows that within certain fields, emotional intelligence is helpful. These fields include sales, real estate and counseling. Grant argues that, for example, if your work with numbers or perform manual labor, emotional intelligence shouldn’t effect how efficient or effective you are in the workplace. While this may hold some weight, there is a very strong argument for why emotional intelligence is incredibly important and if more professionals used it in the workplace, the workforce would dramatically transform.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are crucial for an employee to possess. In many cases, you will find that a many conflicts are stirred up through a breakdown in communication. Excellent communicators are also excellent listeners and listening is major trait of any emotionally intelligent employee. The art of listening to understand versus listening to give a rebuttal is a special one that you’ll want the employees in your company to have. This will directly impact the way they deal with you, one another, and the clientele. To get the best out of your employees in this area, make it a practice of hiring people with strong communication skills. When more people have this skill within one environment, they’ll be able to relate to one another in a more harmonious way and bring out the trait within each other.


The ability to relate to someone else’s concern is invaluable. Many people don’t realize that this is a skill that can be developed. Additionally, it is a skill that can help an employee become a stronger asset to the company. As a business leader, you can demonstrate empathy and create an environment for others to do so. Use people’s names. Look them in the eye. Avoid interrupting people as they express their concern. It is also wise to consider hosting a training session for new hires to learn the process and be aware of its importance. As you exercise this trait, it will help others realize they need to follow suit.

People Skills

It is vital for your employees to understand the importance of working together as a team. When people get on one accord and keep the main goal at the forefront, they are able to achieve amazing results. To encourage this skill among your employees, do your best to spend a designated amount of time focusing on team-building activities. It’s good to get a dialogue going to facilitate and encourage regular interaction with the other employees. As they interact on simple team-building activities, they’ll be able to get a better understanding of one another and how to properly engage and create an environment where no one is left behind.

Contact me for more suggestions on how to get the best out of your employees.