Welcome to 2017! It is a new year offering a fresh start for your personal and professional life. Each year, I have clients ask me about setting goals for their work-life balance, professional development, and business growth. Over the next couple weeks, you will find blog postings on my website related to these three areas.

Before considering these specific areas, lets first look at how to define a resolution and how to make it “stick.” In terms of setting a resolution of a better work-life balance, you must first ask yourself with what or whom do I want to connect? Then ask what do I need to give up in order to connect?

The key to keeping a work-life balance resolution, and any resolution, is to make it a measurable and quantifiable goal. For example, your resolution may be to spend more time with your family. In order to achieve this resolution, you need to set quantifiable goals – for example, leaving the office five nights a week at 5:30 pm and working just one weekend a month. Remember, these are goals you are working toward obtaining consistently. It typically takes around two months for a behavior to become a habit, so don’t give up on your resolution!

Establishing Balance for the New Year

Establishing and maintaining a work-life balance is one of the most sought after resolutions; each year, many of us begin the year with a pledge to achieve a balance only to see the resolution slipping away by the end of January. So how can you make sure that the habits you begin in January will stick throughout the year and beyond?

In order to find an acceptable work-life balance, follow these six tried and tested tips:

  1. Create a routine; eating, sleeping, and exercise should all be made priorities. Establish set times you will be at work – physically as well as accessible electronically. Build in time during your workday and week to meet with friends and pursue hobbies.
  2. Focus on what you are doing at the moment. So many of us “multitask” throughout the day, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Also, block off a time in your day to do similar tasks; for example, schedule all your phone calls in the morning so you can concentrate all afternoon on another specific task.
  3. Don’t waste time procrastinating! Tackle and complete the task instead of thinking about it. You will be amazed at how much extra time you have on your hands!
  4. Look for fun things to do outside the workplace. For example, have an established time to meet friends for dinner once a month or to take your children to the movies.
  5. Use your commuting time to enrich your life. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the average daily travel time to and from work in the United States is 50 minutes. Use that time to listen to a new book on tape or catch up on your favorite podcast. If you are feeling adventurous, take a new route home occasionally!
  6. Set and maintain boundaries. Keep strict office hours, including the time you will respond to coworkers via email or voicemail. If you don’t, your coworkers will quickly learn that you are accessible via email or phone late at night and you will be “on call” all of the time.

The benefits of maintaining a healthy work-life balance are numerous, including increased health benefits, better focus, and less stress and burnout.

I wish you a happy and well-balanced 2017!