Work-Life Balance

May 17th, 2017|

Can We Really Have It All? The messaging surrounds us; almost daily we are bombarded with self-help articles that appear on our social media and magazine covers that imply...

Bridging the Generational Gap

May 3rd, 2017|

“I want to be the bridge to the next generation.” ~ Michael Jordan As business leaders, one of our constant challenges is to build relationships between employees of various...

Defining Your Company’s Core Values

April 19th, 2017|

“It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” ~ Roy Disney Core values are deeply held beliefs that guide each and every decision and action...

Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

April 12th, 2017|

For years, managers and business leaders have encouraged productivity in the workplace. Productivity is a measure of efficiency and profitability. In my March 10 posting An Obtainable Goal for...

Privacy in the Workplace

April 5th, 2017|

I am often asked how can we, as business leaders, help to protect the privacy of our employees while in the workplace? With the changing political current in America,...

Plan Your Day the Night Before

March 29th, 2017|

Efficiency in the workplace has always been, and perhaps will always be, a major topic of concern in American businesses. Every year, billions of dollars are lost due to...

Family Owned Business

March 22nd, 2017|

What do Comcast, Mars Inc., and Ford All Have in Common? They all began as family businesses.  In fact, many well know American companies begin as family-owned business.  A...

How Your Mindset Shapes Your Attitude

February 23rd, 2017|

We all know people who seem to excel under the most difficult of circumstances.  They are the ones who inspire and see the best in those around them.  When...

Small Business Trends to Watch in 2017

February 17th, 2017|

The year 2017 is shaping up to be one of uncertainty with many unanswered questions. How will the new pro-business, anti-regulation administration impact small businesses? Will the stock market...

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Children

February 12th, 2017|

Watch a group of children playing, and you will see many character traits emerge: curiosity, problem solving, questioning, and perseverance. These skills are all applicable in the business setting...

Fuel Your Personal Brand with Service

February 4th, 2017|

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill   One of the most impactful ways a business leader...

The Importance of Networking

January 25th, 2017|

All business owners know the benefit of networking. In order to be successful in business today, one must increase their network. But what does this really mean and how...

Goal Setting for Your Business

January 11th, 2017|

Welcome to 2017!  If you are like most Americans, you have a list of personal New Year’s resolutions.  However, have you set your business goals for the New Year? ...

New Year’s Resolutions 2017

January 4th, 2017|

Welcome to 2017! It is a new year offering a fresh start for your personal and professional life. Each year, I have clients ask me about setting goals for...

How to Stay Afloat During Difficult Times

December 14th, 2016|

Being an entrepreneur is like riding a roller coaster; every stage in your business’ development is a series of ups and downs. Clients often ask me how they can stay...


DeSantis Trusted Advisors provides consulting, advisory, and coaching services to businesses and their stakeholders with the goal of creating pathways to success.