How to Do More in Less Time

June 8th, 2018|

Wouldn’t we all like a little more time in our working day and our personal lives? These four tips provide you with some quick and easy ways a business...

How to Reconnect with Your Professional Network

May 30th, 2018|

However you have made connections in the past - whether online using social or networking platforms, participating actively in your local business community, or have a large list of industry...

Tips to Achieve a Healthy Corporate Culture

May 8th, 2018|

A healthy culture is essential for the long-term success of any business. How can you achieve a healthy culture within your business? First, let’s look at a couple of...

Improve Your Branding Strategy

April 26th, 2018|

In past blog articles, I have written about the importance of creating a personal brand. In order to achieve sustainable success as a business owner, you have to become intentional...

The Importance of Succession Planning

April 8th, 2018|

According to a recent survey of 740 finance chiefs, only 34 percent reported that a succession plan is in place for their role. Yet succession planning may be one of...

How CEOs Can Help in a Crisis Situation

April 6th, 2018|

The way a leader performs during a crisis can make or break a company. Caroline Sapriel, a Lecturer in crisis management, explains in her article on CS&A website how important...

Cybersecurity: Keeping it Simple

March 23rd, 2018|

According to a 2017 study by the Ponemon Institute, the average organizational cost of a data breach is $3.6 million globally. An astounding 47 percent of this is due to...

Corporate Strategy: Planning for Success

March 16th, 2018|

The rate of change in the modern-day world is exponential. Businesses who cannot transform and innovate will not be able to stay relevant, let alone get ahead of the curve....

Always Hire Employees Smarter than You

March 9th, 2018|

One of the many ways to build a lucrative business is to make intelligent hiring decisions. Sometimes you come across a brilliant candidate, one who is more knowledgeable and probably...

Leadership Voices – Why they Are Important

February 20th, 2018|

On any given day, most C-level executives are faced with various issues and problems. The way in which they are handled, through a leader’s speech and actions, will ultimately...

Projects in Peril – Know the Warning Signs

February 15th, 2018|

A major project is launched, team members are enthusiastic, and stakeholders are supportive. However, when the real work gets underway, the project loses its momentum and is at risk...

An Innovative Approach to Thought Leadership

February 4th, 2018|

Every C-suite member aspires to be a respected thought leader in their industry, but most are not acting as the driving force behind the thoughts and insights shared with...

Turn Your Smartphone into a Productivity Tool

January 31st, 2018|

Turn Your Smartphone into a Productivity Tool The smartphone – it is the ultimate communication tool. With one swipe or tap it can provide a plethora of information and assist...

The 3Cs of the New Workplace

January 24th, 2018|

The 3C’s of the New Workplace and the Principles that Drive the Future   One can hardly open a business journal or industry magazine without seeing an article about Artificial...

Tips to Kick-Off a Successful 2018

January 2nd, 2018|

2018 is quickly approaching and many of us go into a state of reflection. Looking back on what has transpired and excited about the possibilities of the future, many...

IT Predictions for 2018 and Beyond

December 21st, 2017|

In 2017, we have seen Apple release a phone that unlocks with a mere scan of a user’s face. Robots are gaining international acclaim and continue to snag jobs...

Great Leaders for Great Organizations

December 15th, 2017|

When there's an emergency, people naturally look to a leader for instructions. Because of that, it's so important for a leader to remain calm and know what to do in...


DeSantis Trusted Advisors provides consulting, advisory, and coaching services to businesses and their stakeholders with the goal of creating pathways to success.